You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > 1.3.10. File - Freight and Couriers > Freight Master File > Freight - Main
Freight - Main

To add or edit freight file details:

  1. Add a new freight code or open an existing one.

Refer to "Adding a New Freight Code" or "Updating a Freight Code".

Micronet displays the Freight File Update screen - Main tab.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Freight Number

Enter a unique ID of up to five characters for the freight code.

Note that if you are using SmartFreight, this ID does not get passed to SmartFreight.



Enter a description for the freight code.


Based Upon

Select the base on which freight should be calculated. Options are:

  • Weight – the weight of the items on the order/invoice
  • Volume – the volume of the order/invoice
  • Quantity – the quantity of individual items on the order/invoice
  • Boxes Delivered – the number of boxes manually entered at order time
  • Order Value – the total value of the order.


Calculation Type

Select the calculation type for the base you selected in the previous field. Options are:

  • Total – freight is calculated on the total weight, volume, quantity, boxes or order value
  • Breakover – the freight charges change depending on different breaks (steps) in weight, volume, etc.


GST/Sales Tax

Select No Tax, Tax % or Average Tax % depending whether the freight component should be taxed or not.


Tax Percentage

If you selected Tax % or Average Tax % in the previous field, enter the actual sales tax rate.



Enter or select the ID of the courier that this freight code applies to. If you select a courier, Micronet allows you to create a new courier on the fly if required.

  1. Double-click on a line in the freight table at the bottom of the screen, or select that line and press the Enter key.

Micronet displays the Freight Calculations screen.

  1. Complete the following fields:





Entry Number

Micronet displays the line number in the freight table.


Total Base

Enter the amount of the base (weight, volume, quantity, number of boxes delivered or order value). Micronet will apply the freight charge up to this quantity.



Enter the rate (value) of the freight to be charged, excluding GST.



Enter the way you want the freight charge calculated. Options are:

  • Dollar Amount per unit
  • Fixed Dollar Amount.



Enter the cost to be posted to the General Ledger, if any.

  1. Select the Accept button.
  1. If you selected Breakover in the Calculation Type field, repeat the steps from step 4 to enter each "break" required.
  1. Select FILE | SAVE.